Collaboration Dashboard
The smart choice for DevOps
in Kubernetes management and collaboration
Accelerate your work efficiency
on desktop and mobile.
The smart choice for DevOps
in Kubernetes management and collaboration
Accelerate your work efficiency
on desktop and mobile.
Innovate teamwork through collaboration by empowering collaborators for complete management.
Both individuals and teams can efficiently develop Kubernetes-based services and manage clusters on a variety of operating systems without limitations on the number of devices.
If you store the local certificate for accessing the Kubernetes cluster in the cloud, it will be synchronized to each device such as desktop and mobile, allowing you to manage the cluster smartly anytime, anywhere.
You can easily manage the cluster by collaborating by inviting collaborators. You can also give collaborators the authorization appropriate for their roles and prevent them from modifying or deleting cluster information. You can easily manage collaborators even when there are changes such as collaborators changing or leaving the company.
You can quickly respond to failures with device alarms. You can receive device alarms for sudden warnings, failures, or information changes and respond quickly, improving service reliability and accelerating work efficiency.
With just one subscription, use Visualkube on any number of devices and multiple platforms
Manage Kubernetes conveniently with just the basic functions.
Store certificates in the cloud and use them anytime, anywhere.
Collaborate with organizations and teams to manage more systematically.